Book An Appointment In Carstairs


Our exceptional team offers complete family eye health and eyewear services to the Carstairs community. Please phone 587-600-7409 or connect through our website and Facebook page to learn about your hometown optical shop and doctors or to book an appointment near home.

We are honoured to have provided caring, quality vision care to Carstairs for many years, thanks to wonderful residents like you. Please stop in anytime to see how we can keep your eyes happy and healthy for years to come!

Visit our team of experienced eye doctors in Carstairs for the following eye care services:

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Myopia Control

Vision Therapy

Dry Eye Treatment

Laser Eye Surgery Consultation

Contact Lens Exams & Fittings

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

Emergency Eye Care

Visit Carstairs Eye Care in Carstairs!


Find us north of the Credit union in the same building as Mountain View Smiles Dental Clinic.

  • 208 10th Ave Unit 1
  • Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0

Our Locations


Find us steps away from Lake Bonavista across from Lake Bonavista Promenade. Please give us a call if you have any trouble finding us.

Please note that our hours may change on long weekends, holidays and for summer hours.

  • 739 Lake Bonavista Drive SE
  • Calgary, AB T2J 0N2


Find us at the corner of 50 Avenue and 52 Street. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have any trouble finding us.

Please note that our hours may change on long weekends, holidays and for summer hours.

  • 5202 50 Ave
  • Olds, AB T4H 1G9


Find us on 6 Street just off Cowboy Trail. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have any trouble finding us.

Please note that our hours may change on long weekends, holidays and for summer hours.

  • 101 6 St SW
  • Sundre, AB T0M 1X0


Find us north of the Credit union in the same building as Mountain View Smiles Dental Clinic.

Please note that our hours may change on long weekends, holidays and for summer hours.

  • 208 10th Ave Unit 1
  • Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0

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